Experience the power of healing arts

Empower yourself in active participation with the arts and discover the sensory adventure for playful healing and deep emotional release. With trauma-informed mentorship you will create relaxation, healthy expression of your inner world and self-awareness.

What is Expressive Arts?

Expressive arts uses various artistic forms and mediums, such as painting, clay, dance, drama, and writing, to allow personal expression and initiates non-verbal communication. You can explore your thoughts, emotions, sensations and energy in a creative way without rehashing and reliving crappy lived experiences.

How does it work?

Through the process of creative activities, individuals tap into their inner selves, discover new perspectives, and objectively view their jagged memories, impressions and feelings that are often too difficult to express through words alone.

Expressive arts is a powerful tool for self-discovery, emotional healing, and personal growth, fostering a deeper understanding of oneself and facilitating connections with others.

Erena creates a safe space for expression and healing, gentle, empowering and reflective. Definitely recommend attending.
— Name withheld
Relaxing, creative, playful. Erena is engaging and supportive. Loved it, thank you.
— Bec


- stimulates self-expression in non-verbal and symbolic way for mental health and wellbeing
- enhance mindfulness techniques so you can focus on the present and not the past
- aids you to process and heal from past traumatic experiences
- emotional carthasis and deep restorative healing
- Inner child healing with fun, joy, pleasure and enjoyment
- heightens your intuitive perception
- mind-body connection, promoting overall well-being and developing healthy strategies when triggered
- emotional regulation, arts provides a means to regulate and manage emotions effectively
- Improved focus and concentration
- improves problem-solving abilities because it requires individuals to think outside the box with innovative solutions
- enhance resilience by helping individuals develop adaptive coping strategies and capacity to confront fears
- increased self-awareness
- provides healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress, trauma and life challenges
- improves communication skills
- powerful way to process complex emotions such as rage, guilt and shame with healthy outlets for difficult feelings
- boost self-esteem and confidence with increased satisfaction levels
- supports self-reflection and inner explorations of self for personal growth and discovery

Lantern Holistics creates incredibly nurturing, cosy and relaxing sessions for expression, creativity and contemplation. I absolutely adore Erena’s meditations and therapeutic art activities - I always feel so much calmer and more grounded and inspired after each one. I hightly recommend booking into a session with Lantern Holistics.
— Sophie

What to expect in a session:

  • Facilitator will set up a creative activity and have art materials readily available or you will be prompted to have all items at hand before online session.

  • You will have opportunities to ask any questions, discuss any themes that arise and be deeply listened to.

  • You will be able to play and explore your expression through the art making process.

  • Allow yourself to move into creative flow by reconnecting with your sensations and removing expectations of the outcome.

  • Experience deep relaxation and inner transformations.

  • Share your reflections and let the facilitator share observations.

  • Trust the healing journey and allow a few days to process each experience.

Go connect to your inner creative self through stillness, expression, exploration and sharing.
— Tess

Trauma can leave you with longstanding internal scars, messed up memories, past events tangled up in sensation and talking about them can be near impossible plus, let us add in the heightened state of alertness to the world around you.

Words were gobbled up and I was spat out from many an abusive act with fragmented memories and a shattered sense of self.

Arts has always been the language of the soul; a place of refuge, a place of exploration, a place of inner organisation, a place of relaxation, a place of flow, and a place of empowerment.

Healing through the arts is an intimate road back to your sense of self.

Expressive arts gives you the power to create an understandable narrative around indescribable events.

For those that have felt helpless in the past engaging in creative expression is an invaluable experience because it hands you the controls, allows you to make decisions, you can change and flex with your bodily awareness. You see that you are making progress.

Arts improves cognitive abilities, memory, reasoning, and visual processing.

Expression can help you work through any internal emotional conflict without the necessity to relive and strangle out words.

For people affected by high -stress levels, PTSD, C-PTSD, adverse childhood experiences, sexual abuse, domestic violence, general anxiety disorder and intense emotional turmoil. Sessions address mental, emotional, physical and spiritual imbalances with holistic counselling, meditation/mindfulness practices, encourage creative expression, savoring joyful moments and building resilience.

Are you frozen in time? Is the past affecting your present and blocking you from being free? These comprehensive sessions are focused on enabling you to process emotions from your lived experiences in order to be in the present with mindfulness. By incorporating a holistic approach to the effects of adverse experiences on the mind, body, emotions and spirit:

  • it is confidential and set up as a non-judgmental environment 

  • Through mind/body connection you develop healthy coping strategies that enable you to respond better to triggered responses

  • Mindfulness techniques to allow you to re-focus on the present rather than the past

  • Arts facilitates self-healing and life direction

By actively participating in creative expression you hold the power to gain back control.

Putting the past in the past

Holding onto shame and persistent negativity? Avoiding life because it is just too hard? Let yourself be equipped to take on the world again and live life with purpose. Sessions focus on:

  • Building a narrative of your past experiences with a complete beginning, middle and End

  • Information about the stress responses and activating the relaxation response

  • Identifying your bodily sensations in response to stress (e.g. nightmares/flashbacks)

  • Supporting you to build a grateful heart and a positive mind

Through creative pursuits you delve into an exploration of your psyche by creating different connections in your brain using the art making process.

  • Art is a powerful way to express your emotions and release them because it bypasses the language centre in the brain (shut down by stress responses to adverse experiences)

  • The act of ‘art making’ promotes healing by recognising your feelings and making sense of your emotional experiences

  • Creative expression reveals limiting beliefs unconsciously held and we support you to create your own story

  • Reignite your intuitive spark by learning to listen to your inner light using creative activities

Allow yourself to imagine a new future without being held down by the past.